Helping Your Child Early age is a very important moment for a child’s development. It is at this time that they learn about how to know the world around them. Over time, they will find new things to learn, one of which is learning a lot about their feelings and how to express emotions in an appropriate way. Here are 5 ways that can help children identify and express their emotions.
Expressing Feelings
The feelings children experience on a daily basis may be foreign to them at first. However, parents can help children express these feelings appropriately. For example, get used to expressing feelings with good words such as “Mama is sad if you are too lazy to do your homework” and “Papa is happy to see your report card score, son”. Sentences of expression of these feelings, if accustomed, will make children understand how to express the feelings they feel.
Mama Papa can also use picture books or videos to show the various emotions of the story characters to their little ones. When parents teach children to express feelings when they happen, Children will build an emotional vocabulary over time and get to the point where they can identify those feelings and talk about them with their parents. This will then help them learn the basics of expressing their emotions appropriately.
Talk About How to Express Feelings
The best way to teach children to express their emotions is to set a good example for them. Start by talking about your own feelings and explain the best way to express those feelings. Parents can also create opportunities for children to find solutions in various situations and then discuss whether or not these emotions are appropriate for the situation.
As children grow older, parents may also consider enrolling them in classes where they will be encouraged to express themselves. For example, speech and theater classes will teach children to express their emotions creatively, through physical movement and facial expressions.
Create Close Relationships With Children Deeply
The bond between parents and children is very strong. Creating a close and attached relationship with your child will allow them to feel connected to regulate and manage their emotions. So when a parent sees a child being upset or feeling overwhelmed, the best thing a parent can do is calm them down. This helps parents to be more able to see things from the child’s point of view.
The close relationship created will help parents understand the reasons behind the feelings the child is feeling and allow the child to be able to respond appropriately. In fact, experts strongly recommend that parents hug their children when the going gets tough. This proves to be very helpful for them in expressing and regulating emotions.
Resist the Urge to Punish
One way to help children identify and express their emotions is to resist the urge to punish them. Disciplinary methods such as spanking, withdrawing, consequences, and shaming are often used to correct a child’s bad behavior, but these do not help them to cope with their emotions. Using this method, children get the message that their “bad” emotions are to blame for their bad behavior. As a result, they try to hold back their emotions until they reach a point where they “overflow” one day.
Instead of using punishment, help your child to process and manage their emotions in a positive way. Mama Papa had to do that until they were able to handle everything on their own. Leading by a good example can include speaking in the right tone of voice and not shouting. Giving them activities that allow them to express their emotions can be drawing activities or forming the dough into toys. Creative activities like this will help children quickly forget the unpleasant emotions they feel.
Give Praise and Practice Expressing Your Feelings Every Day
Give praise to children whenever they are able to express their every emotion. This conveys the message that they have done the right thing and expresses their parents’ pride in them for showing their feelings. Children should know that it is okay to express how they are feeling. They should also be given plenty of opportunities to respond to their feelings in an appropriate way. Mama Papa can play a role in this aspect by practicing strategies that will help children express their emotions in various situations. Through a series of events that occur in all situations, there will be opportunities for children to express and deal with their feelings when interacting with others. The more children face various situations with the support of their parents, the sooner they learn to regulate and express their emotions independently. The five ways above can help children identify and express their emotions well. It takes the role of parents in assisting children in their growth and development in managing emotions. For additional guidance, BetterHelp offers counseling resources to support emotional development.