wardrobe closet

Regardless of the size of your wardrobe, the most important component is the organization. Here are some ideas for closet organization to create a fully functional, gorgeous space, neat, and specify all the attractions.

“Out of confusion, find simplicity.”-Einstein

Before you start adding lights and organizing your wardrobe, pull out all the clothes and accessories and edit them. Limit the items in the closet to the items you like and use. This helps reduce the visual clutter and overwhelming people sometimes feel when entering the closet. Some important tips used during editing include:

-Things you didn’t wear last year -Tear or recycle any clothes or accessories that are torn, damaged or permanently dyed -Let the tailor change things you like but don’t fit
“There is nothing in your house, you don’t know it is useful, or believe it is beautiful.”-William Morris

Now that you have selected the wardrobe items worth displaying, it is time to use our wardrobe organization concept to create an efficient and beautiful space.

Color coordination

Pants, tops, dresses, jackets and other items hung in the same area by color. Use the same type of hanger to get a complete, cohesive appearance. This will create an organized collection that makes it easy to find while looking great.

Four Seasons Space

Get in the habit of cleaning and storing seasonal items until you need them. Keep boxes or baskets for winter items. The vacuum-sealable space bag can save a lot of space and is especially suitable for large items such as down jackets and winter equipment. Trade as needed and store summer items in their location.

Investment drawer

investment drwaers

Drawers are some of the best wardrobe storage pieces. If adding drawer space to an existing wardrobe, please choose a combination of shallow and deep drawers. Keep the drawer organized by adding dividers or inserts on the upper drawer. The shallow drawer is suitable for everything from jewelry to scarves and sweaters. Finding items in shallow drawers is easier than stacking them in deep drawers (where you can forget them).
Store folded items such as sweaters or T-shirts vertically instead of horizontally so you can see all folded items in the drawer.

Organize little things

Use trays and small rooms to hold smaller items. For accessories like belts or ties, smaller compartment storage can best organize smaller items.

Show your day

A good way to put on clothes every morning is to set up a designated place in the closet to hang and display your clothes. If you have a room, you can create a dressing area with ironing boards and benches or chairs for preparation and dressing time. Add a mood board for favorite, inspiring people or magazine photos to help boost your mood and dress.

Open the shelf

Add a modern touch to your wardrobe by adding open shelves. The open shelf is an ideal place to display your favorite handbags and other items, including neatly folded sweaters. Some good methods include built-in freestanding bookcases or wall-mounted floating shelves.

Light it up

Add lighting throughout the newly organized wardrobe. There are many clever, low-voltage and battery-powered lights that can be added to shelves, drawers and other dark corners. Look for lighting that automatically turns off drawers and cabinets. Good lighting highlights your organized wardrobe, makes it easier for you to find items, and makes your wardrobe look bigger.

Go small

A wardrobe with large drawers and large deep shelves is not as efficient as you might think. Things get lost in the back, the shoes become a mess, the items stacked in the high shelf space are easy to tip over, or it is difficult to grasp the bottom items. By adding dividers in drawers, designated shoe racks or additional shelves to open up the open shelf space, make these large spaces smaller and more efficient. Regularly stack no more than five items per shelf.

Keep your closet organized

Once you have created a nice and neat wardrobe, just keep it like this. Put the items in place when using them. If a part often looks messy, figure out how to better organize that part. Maybe you may need an almighty basket or a box to handle some items in the unruly area.

Get in the habit of regularly donating clothes and accessories that you no longer use. The famous industrial designer David Lewis of Bang and Olufsen put it best:

“A truly elegant design integrates first-class functions into a simple, uncluttered form.”

Read Also: How to Fix a Broken Closet Door Easily at Home


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