Selling Your House

If you’re like most people or families looking to sell their home, there is a pretty good chance that there’s been a long ‘lull’ to finally pulling the trigger on selling the home. Though from the moment you decide it’s time to go, there’s typically a mad rush to get everything ready for sale, and with that, a lot of important aspects can be forgotten.
With that in mind, we have a few important things to consider when it comes to selling your house so you don’t run the risk of forgetting anything important. Take a look at our considerations before selling your home below.

Plan and Research Early

Both before and after you’ve decided on selling your house, it’s imperative to take a look at the state of the market in your local area. This will give you a guide as to who is selling, what types of homes are leaving the market quicker (one, two, or three beds, for example) and, of course, pricing.

With this data in mind, you will be able to far more swiftly prepare your home for sale both by working on forming an appropriate price point as well as styling and decorating the home for the most popular purchaser demographic, such as families and singles, for example.

The Big Cleanup

Once you have worked on comprehensively researching your local market, you should then move onto the clearing and cleaning up a portion of the sale. This is going to make sure things run as smoothly as possible for you should your home sell quite quickly.

It goes without saying that you will need to work on a thorough interior clean and exterior tidy up, though you will also want to make use of services such as 1300 Rubbish to get on top of the workflows at hand. If you are like most people, you don’t exactly have a truck on hand to help you out when it comes to taking away rubbish, and so hiring skip or removal services is going to be your best bet here.

A few tips from us include polishing and waxing floors, repainting chipped walls and floors and generally making the home look as ‘new’ as possible. From here you should then work on having the home appraised, given that following the clean it will be in its best state possible and garner you a higher selling price.

Run Through Maintenance

In line with our tips above, you’re also going to want to go all-out on any due seasonal maintenance tasks that are required both by law, but also as a courtesy to your buyers.

One thing to keep in mind here is that buyers will immediately be able to spot costly signs of poor maintenance and this is going to cut back on your final sale price. If there are apparent leaks, uneven spots in the yard, wall cracks or even missing tapware, for example, your potential buyers will see this as a major drawback and a sign that the home hasn’t been well-looked-after and thus be less likely to pay market value for your home.

To make this process a little easier, you can have professional assessors come to take a look at your home and spot potential flaws or areas that need a little more maintenance than others and let you know what the best way to remedy these issues is.

Get an Agent

We know that a lot of our readers may be tempted to act as their own agents, though there is nothing like the professionals when it comes to selling a house.

With this in mind, we highly suggest seeking out a fantastic real estate agent who knows your market and can help in selling your home in your specific area. Keep in mind that the world of real estate really is very niche, and so an expert agent who works or has worked in your local area before is a good place to start.

These agents are going to know how best to reach your ideal target market and get you on track to selling your house for the highest value possible and ideally in a short time period too.

Say ‘Goodbye’

To our final tip, you’re going to want to make sure you’ve said your goodbyes and cut emotional ties to your home after all of your changes and repairs have been made.

A lot of homeowners tend to see their spruced-up homes as an invite to stay and no longer jump to make the sale, though we always suggest that you make the emotional commitment to saying goodbye to your home as soon as possible and as early on in the process and you’re going to be all set.


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