Memorize Faster

Staying competitive often means striving to learn new things, whether that is a new technology, skill, or language. While you may have finished formal schooling, the world remains to have a wealth of opportunities to further your knowledge and develop your skills—so many that a lifetime isn’t enough to learn them all.

Sure, learning takes time, but being a fast learner can give you a greater edge. There are ways you can speed up the learning process and memorize faster, and it’s as easy as converting your PDF to Word.

Memorize Faster with These 8 Tips

Learning faster starts with how you approach your learning. First, understand that you need to invest time to plan out a strategy to make the job easier and eliminate the guesswork throughout the process.

You’ll also have to invest money for books and other resources that could make learning easier—a table lamp, books, or maybe a pair of good quality headphones. With this aside, let’s proceed with the tips that could help leverage your brain’s full potential.

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Learn in Short Bursts of Time

Experts suggest learning new material for 30-50 minutes at a time. Anything more than that and it can be overwhelming for your brains. After that, you can take a 5-10 minute break before starting another lesson. Remember, frequent learning sessions are better than longer, inconsistent ones.

Take Notes by Hand

Computers and all other electronic devices have made it easier for us to take notes. But that didn’t help us remember better. Studies show that taking notes by hand encouraged students to listen more actively, whereas taking notes on a computer leads to mindless transcription. So, while a pen and paper may seem old school, they will help you learn and comprehend better.

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Take a Nap

In Japan, it is believed that napping at work can improve work efficiency just as a balanced diet and exercise can, and this is actually supported by science. Aside from the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep every night, taking a nap can keep your brain alert, and your attention span longer. Napping can also help your mind process the information it has just taken in.

Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking doesn’t make the job any faster. While it may seem like it’s making you look busy and productive, it’s spending more time than you would when you do a single task at a time. It keeps you from being focused, too. It’s kind of like trying to learn Spanish while preparing breakfast and checking your emails.

Teach What You Learn

Share to other people what you have just learned or even pretend like you’re doing so. This would help keep the new information in your brain as according to studies, rehearsing out loud is better than reading or thinking silently.

Learn Information in Various Ways

When you learn information in multiple ways, you are using more regions of your brain to store it. This redundancy makes the details more embedded in your memory, which means you are learning than merely memorizing them. You can do this by accessing various resources such as notes, textbooks, videos, or even a podcast.

Change the Way You Practice

Just as how you should learn in different ways, there’s also a vary the way you practice when learning a new motor skill. It is said that it will help you learn better and faster than if you would keep on practicing by doing the same thing repeatedly.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle

This involves eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, sleeping at least 8 hours a day, and drinking plenty of water. All these habits would keep you healthy and more focused. Being in good shape would also help you deal with stress more effectively.


There are many more ways to learn better and faster. Discover what works for you and see how it could help you remember and recall things easily again.

Sure, putting these tips into action requires an investment on your part, but the results will make it all worth it.

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