Expensive Desserts Foods

We always try to eat food that is good in taste and costs less because the moment you start eating expensive food it would lead to reduction in your bank balance. What if we tell you that there are some desserts that are expensive than the whole meal that you eat at one time. Yes, we have created a list of Most Expensive Desserts that you can try only if you are very rich or crazy about food. If you have a nice bank balance then you can try these desserts or you may do your research find the recipes and make them at home.

Top Most Expensive Desserts

1. La Madeline au Truffle

Desserts Foods

2. Golden Opulence Sundae

Expensive Desserts Foods

3. Beyond Gourmet Jelly Beans

Desserts Foods

4. The Golden Phoenix Cupcake

Expensive Desserts Foods

5. Krispy Kremes Luxe Doughnut

Most Expensive Desserts

6. Frrrozen Haute Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae

Expensive Desserts Foods

7. The Lindeth Howe Country House Hotel Chocolate Pudding

Expensive Desserts Foods

8. The Absurdity Sundae

Desserts Foods

9. Diamond Fruitcake

Expensive Desserts Foods

10. Strawberries Arnaud

Expensive Desserts Foods


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