How to Live Better For Less

Whether it’s by choice or due to financial crisis, we may find ourselves needing to rein in our spending habits. When you find yourself in this position, is it possible to live a better quality of life, while spending less? Of course, it is!

There are a lot of benefits that come with cutting down on extravagances. A few include;

  • When you are not living from pay cheque to pay cheque, you can use the extra money to pay off credit card debt, student loans, or any other high interest loans. Getting rid of such loans will result in more money in your budget eventually.
  • If you have a gap between your income and expenditure, you are able to grow your savings, invest or both. Savings and investment are key for financial freedom.
  • With better planning of your finances, you can save and spend on something truly special. For example, you can travel to some of the world’s wonders without incurring credit card debt.

Wiser spending habits are undoubtedly beneficial to you. Let’s take a look at some actions you can take to cut costs and live a better life.

1. Cook

Eating out is wildly expensive. According to Statista, an average of £14.48 was spent per person, per week on eating out. While these figures may not seem like much, the amount spent will quickly accumulate.

Take a family of four, for instance. They’ll end up spending roughly £695 monthly on eating out. In a year, they will have spent £2,780 which is a considerable sum.

Preparing your own food at home is one of the easier adjustments that you can make and save significantly. There are also some extra benefits to cooking at home. First, you will be more aware of what goes into your food, and this makes it easier to choose healthier meals. You can also involve your kids in the cooking and make it a family affair!

If you don’t know how to cook, it’s crucial that you learn for your financial well-being.

2. Hire Yourself!

A lot of the services that you pay for are actually pretty easy to perform. With a little help from the numerous resources online, including platforms such as YouTube and Skill share, you can easily learn a skill and do-it-yourself. If you are more old-fashioned a book or a manual can come in handy.

Some simple tasks that you can learn and perform yourself include;

● Clothing repair e.g. sewing a button or hemming a trouser.
● Pet grooming.
● Routine car maintenance including changing a tyre, washing your car, and keeping up with oil changes.
● Doing your taxes.
● Building furniture for your pets

While you’ll need to put in time and effort to complete these tasks, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction once you are done.

3. Carpool

If your workplace is located close to that of a friend or a neighbor, you can share a car to and from work. While this is a great way to save on gas, you’ll also spend time with a loved one and nurture your relationship. An extra argument for carpooling is that it is kinder to the environment.

If it’s possible and safe, we’d also recommend cycling to work. You’ll save on fuel and keep fit at no extra cost, it’s a win-win.

4. Live Closer to Your Centre of Activity.

You can save a lot by residing close to the area where you spend the majority of your time. For example, you can always manage a 20-minute walk to your job or school. This saves you transportation money and time that would be otherwise spent in traffic.

This tip may, however, not work if there is a great disparity in rent between the regions.

5. Look for Used First

Look for Used First - Summer clothes

With a little searching, you can always find second hand household items that are in a pretty decent condition and cost only a fraction of the original price.

Some items you can easily acquire second hand include furniture, books, cars, bicycles, gym equipment, and tools.

You can also choose to thrift your clothes. Online thrifting has made this experience much easier. Another option would be to swap clothes with friends and family and thus build a new wardrobe without spending a dime.

6. Cut Back on Retail Therapy

Sometimes we buy items not because we need them, but just to make ourselves feel better. We shop when we are bored, sad, or even lonely. To break this habit, you need to learn how to budget and plan your purchases in advance.

Bottom Line.

There is a lot to gain from spending responsibly and having some extra money. With a few tweaks and tricks, you can significantly reduce your spending and lead a better life. For example, you can find numerous deals and save on a variety of items ranging from food to utilities using Newbie Deals.

What tips are you embracing to reduce your spending? Share in the comments below!


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